Bracket’s For Double Elimination
Tournament Rules !!
- Number of slots: Depends On Prize Pool
- Teams are required to register at the frolic esports website portal
- Slots are on a first come first serve basis.
- The tournament will be played on custom prospect under frolic esports observation.
- Teams are responsible to be ready by the given time by admins. timings given for a squad will be fixed hence no changes will be done.
- Tournament may last more than a day, players are requested to be in contacted with the officials on our discord
- Tournament format: Double Elimination
- Number of teams: 32
- Games: All games best of 1
- Seedings: Random
- 10,000 INR
- All Communications for rainbow six siege(online) tournament to be made on the frolic esports Discord Channel only – FrolicEsports-Discord
5:Home Country/Region
A Player must be the citizen of the following South Asia only that is(SA) .The tournament is for any player from india and as well as south asia region can join
5.1:Age Restriction
- All participants of Rainbow Six have to be over 16 years of age.
5.2:Game Accounts
Every playing member must have their own game accounts.This is including but not limited to:
- Uplay ID for Rainbow Six: Siege
5.3:Playing With Wrong Game Accounts
- It is not allowed to play with a different game account An incorrect game account may lead to a barrage for the player, a rematch or a default loss being given. A game account has to be changed at least 24 hours before the start of the next play day.
- If there is sufficient evidence that a the player in question indeed played the match or if an admin of the Rainbow Six explicitly allowed it beforehand, a protest for a barrage or rematch will not be admitted.
6:Delaying the Match
- Match starts are absolute unless changes have been confirmed by the Tournament administration. Not starting a match as scheduled will result in penalties. After 15 minutes of now show or unable to start the match, the team in question is considered as no show and administrators have full authority to disqualify the team for no show.
7:Equipment / Use of Storage Devices & CFG’s.
- Participants must bring their own equipment: Keyboard, mouse, headset and mouse pads as they will not be provided at the venue.
- Use of any storage devices like Pen drive /HDD or any other external divide at offline events is not allowed. In case you need to update your cfg or require any drivers for your equipment, please let the tournament organizers know well in advance.
8:Match Protests
- A protest is for problems that affect the match outcome; a protest may even be filed during a match for things like incorrect server settings and other related issues. A protest is the official communication between the Teams and the League administration.
8.2:Match Protest Rules
8.2.1:Deadline for Match Protests
The latest time that participants are allowed to issue a match protest is the earliest of the three following:
- 72 hours after the scheduled starting time of the match
- Only at offline events: The beginning of the next match for either of the two Teams (a minimum of 10 minutes have to be kept between two matches by all Teams)
- Only at offline events: The end of the event day (departure of the admins)
8.2.2:Contents of a Match Protest
- The protest must contain detailed info about why the protest was filed, how the discrepancy came to be and when the discrepancy occurred. A protest may be declined if proper documentation is not presented. A simple they are “cheaters“ will not do.
8.2.3:Behaviour in Match Protests
- Insults and flaming are strictly prohibited in a protest, and may result in penalty points or the protest being ruled against the insulting party.
8.2.4:Eligibility for filing a protest
- If a controversial situation not described by this rulebook occurs during a match, the team that has spotted it should record it, immediately stop the match and inform the administrator about it. If the team does not stop the match and continues to play, it is seen as an acceptance of the situation. Because of that the team loses all rights to file a protest concerning that situation after the game has ended.
8.2.5:Results in Rematch
- If the rules stipulate that a rematch is to be played, the victim of the incident is to decide whether or not this rematch is actually to be played. If the victim of the offence decides that a rematch is to be played, then the old result is null and void, and only the new result will count in the rankings.
9:Game Specific Rules
9.1:MOSS Anti-Cheat
The Usage of MOSS is Mandatory for all Matches Being Played Online. MOSS can be found under the Following Link.
MOSS DOWNLOAD. After that the log created by MOSS has to uploaded to the website, within the 15 minutes after the end of the games. All logs will be checked for any signs of modification.
Not applying to this rule will be penalized with a suspension of the entire team. Blank/black screenshots in a MOSS report are considered as missing match media. It it the players responsibility to make sure that MOSS takes correct screenshots. If any problems with setting up MOSS occur please contact an administrator.
9.2:Match Procedure
9.2.1:Best-of-Three Matches
In case of Best-of-Three matches, both teams remove three (3) maps, after that each team will pick one (1) map. All of this will be done in turns. The Team with the better seeding can decide who has to start the process. The maps will be played in the order in which they have been picked. Each Team can pick their starting side on the opponents map pick and on the third map admin make a coin toss to decide starting sides.Best-of-One Matches
Best-of-one Match In case of Best-of-one matches, both teams ban maps from map pool it will be done in turns . Team which ban the map first cant decide theside.It means opponents decide the sides( Attack or Defend).
Match Settings
Game settings
- Time of the Day: Day
- HUD Settings: Pro League
Best of-1
- Number of Bans: 4
- Ban Timer: 20
- Number of rounds: 12
- Attacker/Defender role swap: 6
- Overtime: 0
- Objective rotation parameter: 2
- Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
- Attacker unique spawn: On
- Pick Phase Timer: 15
- 6TH Pick Phase: On
- 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
- Reveal Phase Timer: 5
- Damage handicap: 100
- Friendly fire damage: 100
- Injured: 20
- Sprint: On
- Lean: On
- Death replay: Off
Best of-3
- Number of Bans: 4
- Ban Timer: 20
- Number of rounds: 12
- Attacker/Defender role swap: 6
- Overtime Rounds: 3
- Overtime Score Difference: 2
- Overtime role change: 1
- Objective rotation parameter: 2
- Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
- Attacker unique spawn: On
- Pick Phase Timer: 15
- 6TH Pick Phase: On
- 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
- Reveal Phase Timer: 5
- Damage handicap: 100
- Friendly fire damage: 100
- Injured: 20
- Sprint: On
- Lean: On
- Death replay: Off
Best of-5:(with Infinite overtime)
- Number of Bans: 4
- Ban Timer: 20
- Number of rounds: 12
- Attacker/Defender role swap: 6
- Overtime Rounds: Infinite
- Overtime Score Difference: 2
- Overtime role change: 1O
- Objective rotation parameter: 2
- Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
- Attacker unique spawn: On
- Pick Phase Timer: 15
- 6TH Pick Phase: On
- 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
- Reveal Phase Timer: 5
- Damage handicap: 100
- Friendly fire damage: 100
- Injured: 20
- Sprint: On
- Lean: On
- Death replay: Off 5.2.3
Game mode
- Plant duration: 7
- Defuse duration: 7
- Fuse time: 45
- Preparation: 45
- Action: 180
9.3:Game hosting
- Administrator / Observer / Commentator is allowed to create a server. The game must be hosted on a dedicated server. The dedicated server location must be set to default (based on ping).
9.4:Team connection losses
- If a team disconnects from a game three times on one map, each next disconnection will be penalized in a was specified by the administrator.
- This rule does not apply in the case of a DDOS attack suspicion (this will be decided by the administrator).
- All Operator and Maps are allowed, unless tournament administration explicitly forbids an operator for a play day. Information about changes will be send to players at least 2 hour before match.
9.6:Player Settings
9.6.1:Graphics drivers, or similar tools
- Any modification or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other 3rd party programs are strictly prohibited and may be punished under the cheating paragraph
- Furthermore it’s forbidden to use all kinds of overlays which will show the usage rate of the system in any way in-game (e.g. Nvidia SLI display, Rivatuner Overlay).
- Overlays which will show only the frames per second (FPS) are not forbidden and can be used.
- The usage bugs and glitches is strictly forbidden – a link to a list of forbidden bugs/glitches will be presented to the players. If any bug is used which is not listed here it is up to the admins discretion whether or not a punishment is necessary. If players are not sure if something is a bug or a glitch they should contact an administrator about it.
Code Of Conduct
10.1:Breach of Etiquette
For an orderly and pleasant game it is essential that all Players have a sporting and fair attitude. The most important and most common offences are listed below. However, the Tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behaviour (e.g. harassment).
All insults occurring in connection with the Tournament will be punished. This primarily applies to insults during a match but also on the tournament website or facebook page. Insults on IRC, IM programs, E-mail or other means of communication will be punished if the evidence is clear.
Particularly severe abuse cases with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties including the exclusion or the ban of the Player from the Tournament.
Depending on the nature and severity of the insult the penalty will be assigned to the Team.
The excessive posting of senseless, harassing or offensive messages is regarded as spamming in the Tournament. Spamming on the tournament website and facebook page will be punished depending on the nature and severity.
10.1.3:Spamming In-game
Penalties will be awarded if the chat function in-game is abused towards the goal of annoying the opponent, or generally stir the flow of the play. The all chat functions are there to communicate efficiently with the opponent and the match admins.
10.2:Unsportsmanlike Behaviour
For an orderly and pleasant game it is essential that all Players have a sportive and fair attitude. Breaches of this rule will be punished. However, the Tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behaviour (e.g. harassment).
10.2.1 Misconduct
The attempt to mislead admins or other Players, using false information, or in any other way deceive other Players or Teams will be punished. Common offenses are mentioned below.
- Faking Match media
- When cheating is suspected, and the match media in question has been faked, then six (6) minor penalty points will be awarded.
- Ringer/Faker
- Playing with Disallowed Player
- Misleading admins or players
10.2.2 Cheating
When cheating is uncovered, The Team will be disqualified from the current Tournament. The use of the following programs will result in a cheat ban: Multihacks, Wallhack, Aimbot, Coloured Models, NoRecoil, No-Flash and Sound changes. These are only examples, other programs or methods may be considered cheats as well like- using different players account.
10.2.3 Betting or gambling
No Players, Team managers, staff or management of attending organizations may be involved in betting or gambling, associate with betters or gamblers, or provide anyone any information that may assist betting or gambling, either directly or indirectly, for any of the Tournament matches or the Tournament in general. Any betting or gambling against your own organizations matches will lead to an immediate disqualification of the organization for all persons involved. Any other violation will be penalized at the sole discretion of the Tournament administration..
- OS:
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions required)
- Processor:
Intel Core i3 560 @ 3.3 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 945 @ 3.0 GHz
- Memory:
- Graphics:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5870 (DirectX-11 compliant with 1GB of VRAM)
- Storage:
61 GB available space