Upcomming Tournament !!
Tournament Rules !!
1:Platform Rules
1.1:Platform – Account
- All players are allowed to have only one (1) account at Frolic Esports per person. All information registered on your account needs to be up-to-date and to have the correct information.
- You are not allowed to share or use another person’s Frolic account. Your account is for your use and your use alone.
- If you face any issues with your account, contact support through Discord.
- Ignoring any rules mentioned above will lead to suspension of your account(s).
1.2:Platform – Bugs and issues
- All problems and bugs you encounter on any of the Frolic Discord currently in use should be reported as soon as possible to an Admin or in the #Valorant-support on the Frolic PC Discord. This will allow us the best to assist you as a player with the issue you have encountered.
Winner- 2000 inr
runnerup- 1000 inr
- A player is allowed to have only one (1) Valorant account registered in the registration form.
- You are not allowed to share or use another person’s game account. Your account is for your use, and your use alone.
- Each team’s roster must consist of at least 5 players.
- Each team’s roster will be allowed to have 5 main players and 1 substitute. Once the tournament starts, you cannot replace any player.
- A substitute player may only be added before the Tournament Start.
- This player cannot be part of any other team’s roster which is participating or has participated in the same tournament.
- Match has to be played in the following format: 5v5.
- A player is allowed to represent only one (1) team’s roster in the same tournament.
- A team’s roster must at least contain 50% from the region you are competing in.
- 3 out of 5 has to be from the region/countries listed under (2.4 REGION AND COUNTRY RESTRICTIONS)
- Each participant (Player) needs to be of the age of Sixteen (16) or older at the point of the tournament start date.
All the countries eligible for this tournament are listed below:
- India
- Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- Bhutan
3.1:Before the Match
- Tournament Round will start as scheduled unless said otherwise. Some rounds might get delayed, for all the information please check our discord, where all information is current. ( Schedule can be found on the tournament overview and on the right side of the website ).
- The team which is on the top of the match in the bracket will have to invite the opposite team to the custom game. In order to do so, you need to add the captain of the opposite team as a friend. Please check the discord for the other players and invite them as well if the captain is not accepting the invitation for a few minutes. (Example: Mrsmith#3213. Mrsmith is the Riot ID and EUNE is the Tagline).
- If your team is on the bottom of the match in the bracket, please check all the players of the opposite team and if you receive an invitation from them, you have to accept it. if admins are spectating the match they will invite and the rules will be foloowed are according to them
- The server has to be set up as written in GAMEPLAY SETTINGS.
- If you are the inviting team (top team) and players of the opposite team are not coming by 15 minutes, please report it to the admin team on the Frolic Esports #Valorant-support. The same goes for the opposite if you are supposed to be invited and you are not receiving an invitation by 15 minutes.
- All the players have to be in the lobby before the time limit goes down (15 minutes). If there are players missing after this time limit, take a screenshot and post it in the #valorant-support on the Frolic Esports PC discord. The team which has less than 5 players after the time limit will be disqualified from the tournament. If both teams are missing players, then both are supposed to have a re-host.
- Once all the players are connected to the lobby, Team captains have to check all the players if their Valorant nicknames match the nicknames written on the discord. If there are any discrepancies, please inform the admin on the discord by writing into the #valorant-support with the screenshot provided.
- Frolic Esports reserves the right to join any match as an observer. If that is the case, team captains will be informed.
Team captains of each team will have to choose maps and sides as described:
Best of-1:
- Team 1 bans a map from the map pool.
- Team 2 bans a map from the map pool.
- Team 1 picks a map from the remaining 2 maps.
- Team 2 will pick a side (Attackers/Defenders) to start on.
Best of-3:
- The team on the top – choosing the first map from the map pool.
- The team on the bottom – choosing which side they will start on the first map.
- The team on the bottom – choosing the second map from the map pool.
- The team on the top – choosing which side on which they will start on the second map.
- /The team on the bottom – choosing the third map from the map pool.
- The team on the top – choosing which side on which they will start on the third map.
- Each map from the map pool can be chosen only once. ( If the map is banned, then it cannot be chosen). We suggest taking a screenshot after the map selection is completed.
- After map selection team captains have to write that their team is ready in the lobby chat. The game should not start before that.
- The match has to start at the latest 15 minutes after the tournament round started. Before starting team captains have to take a screenshot of the lobby.
- In BO3 the games will be hosted by Frolic staff.
3.2:During the Match
- If one of the Teams will not pick all the agents in the character selection screen and the game goes back to the lobby, the game has to be remade
- In the case that the game started before writing ready from both sides, the team which did not write ready has the right to call a remake before round 1 of the game starts. (before the countdown in the game of round 1 reaches 0).
- If any of the players are not connected to the game before the counter reaches 0, the team can call a remake and the game has to be remade.
- f the game started on the wrong map, the game has to be remade.
- In order to do the remake, all the players have to leave the match. Start the next game as soon as possible. Both team captains will have to write ready again. If the team is not ready by 5 minutes after the remake, the team which is not ready will be disqualified. Game can be remade only once, the game has to be played in the way it started after the remake, even if the issues will occur. The situation can still be reported in #valorant-support.
- If the team which is hosting the game does not remake. The Opposing team can report the situation to the Admins on the Frolic Esports PC Discord in the #valorant-support. The case will be reviewed and can result in disqualification of the team which did not do a remake.
- f a player disconnects during the game, the game has to continue and will not be remade. (If the game has the Frolic observer and cheats are enabled, the game can be paused during the preparation phase, This pause will be counted towards the teams one (1) min pause allowance).
- If the servers are acting badly for both teams or the game goes down, please report it to us in #valorant-support.
- Each team has the right to pause a game once during a match for no longer than a minute during the preparation phase of any round. If you do pause a game, inform the opposite team about your pause. If the team pause will be longer or will occur more than once, please report the situation to the admins.
3.3:After the Match
- Once the match finishes, both team captains have to take a screenshot of the results and post it in the #submit-score on the Frolic Valorant discord after each game.Please use the following format:
- (Round – Game:Team-1(13:7)Team-2
- Example: Round 256 – Game 1: Blue Balloons 7:13 Yellow Balloons)
On the game result screenshot, results above the scoreboard, all the players and information of the match on the right of the results have to be visible.
- If one of the teams will not send the screenshot within 15 minutes of the match end, the screenshot which was sent by the other team will be taken into account. if admins dont have the screenshot
- If the screenshots of both teams are missing within 15 minutes of the match end, the game will not be counted and in case of BO1, both teams will be disqualified or can do a rematch.
- If the screenshots from both teams are not matching, the situation will be looked into by the Frolic admin team. The team which provided the incorrect screenshot can be disqualified or banned based on the circumstances.
- If the game is BO3 or higher, the games have to start as soon as possible between each other.
- If you would like to report a player or the team, write in #tournament-support that you would like to make a report. Admin will take the conversation into personal messages. Do not write specific names or team names in Frolic Esports PC Discord.
4.1 MAPS
- Bind
- Haven
- Split
- Ascent
- Map: depending on which map was selected to be played from the map pool
- Mode: Standard
- Allow Cheats: Off
- Tournament Mode: On
- Overtime: Win by Two: On
- Primary servers: South East Asian Servers
- If both teams formally agree to play on another server then you are allowed to do so.
- All communication with the players and teams is handled on the official Frolic Esports PC Discord. Important information will always be in the #valorant-information channel and if you need any support, #tournament-support is the channel you’re looking for.
Any questions regarding upcoming and ongoing matches can be directed to the admin team.
- #tournament-matches – All the matches of the teams and players with tags will be written here.
- #valorant-information – In this channel will be all necessary information during the tournament.
- #valorant-support – In here you can contact the support team.
- #valorant-results – You have to post screenshots in this channel.
- Frolic reserves exclusive rights for broadcasting and streaming for all its events.
- Players, coaches, team staff, team owners as well as hosts and staff from Frolic are prohibited from gambling or betting on any matches in any Frolic tournament.
All sorts of match-fixing and/or teaming are strictly forbidden and will be punished. This may include temporary or permanent bans.
- Rule violation Punishment Time duration
- Using a player, not in the roster Disqualification
- Playing with the wrong game account Disqualification
- Usage of a glitch/bug Case-by-case
- Stream Sniping Case-by-case
- Inappropriate/disruptive behavior Case-by-case
- Multi-Account usage Case-by-case
- Match-fixing/teaming Ban from Frolic, Frolic, and disqualification 1 year
- Account sharing Ban from Frolic, Frolic, and disqualification 1 year
- Knowingly playing with someone who is account sharing Ban from Frolic, Frolic, and disqualification 6 months
- Cheating Ban from Frolic, Frolic, and disqualification 2 years
- Knowingly playing with a cheater Ban from Frolic, Frolic, and disqualification 6 months
Anything that can be viewed as a bug or exploit will be reviewed by the admin team and judged on a case-by-case basis, examples of such can be:
- Using cypher cameras on spots which allows you to see through the walls.
- Sitting on the spots which are not supposed to be used by map design. Example: ⦁ link
- Trying to reach out of the map boundaries. (teleporting with the Omen outside the playable area of the map).
- Activating Sova’s Drone the way that it spawns clipping through the wall.
- Using Sova’s Arrow on the spots, where they cannot be destroyed and they can spot players (Example: Fixed billboard on Split).
- Bugging yourself into the doors on the Ascent map, that you can see on both sides.
- Spamming between Omen Phaser with ultimate to see through walls.
- Opening doors on Bind from outside (Using Cypher’s camera from outside to open the doors).
- You can appeal the decision regarding your ban that you have received within seven (7) days from the moment the decision was taken. The appeal needs to be in a written mail and sent to
- Show respect to everyone involved in the tournament. This includes, but is not limited to players and staff.
- Treat everyone the same way as you would like to be treated yourself.
- Always show integrity while playing in every tournament, be honest and play fair.
- Do not use any discriminatory language, including but not limited to any language regarding ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or personal beliefs.
- Do not use any extreme foul language, including but not limited to excessive profanity or language that is graphically sexual, grotesque, or violent.
- Do not make threats of real-world violence or other intended harm to anyone involved in the tournament.
- Do not harass, stalk, or purposely do things to make someone else feel uncomfortable or threatened.
- Do not share personal information about yourself or other individuals.
- Do not engage in, request, arrange, or offer illegal activities or materials.
- Do not impersonate other individuals.
- Do not spam, be it in text or VOIP.
- Do not share your account, your account is for your use and your use alone. Do not grant access to your account to anyone else, and do not access anyone else’s account, even with their permission.
- Frolic reserves the right to, in special cases, override and/or remove, and/or add any rule stated above to guarantee fair play.
These changes will apply on all tournaments played after 01-09-2020
- + A team’s roster must at least contain 50% from the region you are competing in.
- + 3 out of 5 has to be from the region/countries listed under (2.4 REGION AND COUNTRY RESTRICTIONS)
- + NA, Europe
- 3.1 Before the Match
- + The team which is on the top of the match in the bracket will have to invite the opposite team to the custom game. In order to do so, you need to add the captain of the opposite team as a friend. Please check the discord for the other players and invite them as well if the captain is not accepting the invitation for a few minutes. (Example: Mrsmith#EUNE. Mrsmith is the Riot ID and EUNE is the Tagline).
- + In BO3 the games will be hosted by Frolic eSports staff.
- – In BO3 the first game is hosted by the bottom team and after the first game, the host goes to the top team and the lobby has to be recreated. If-Match 3 will be played, it will stay on the same server as match 2.
- – We recommend having the game host being located in the most central area of your region in the tournament to make it the fairest with ping.
- 3.2 During the Match
- + Each team has the right to pause a game once during a match for no longer than a minute during the preparation phase of any round. If you do pause a game, inform the opposite team about your pause. If the team pause will be longer or will occur more than once, please report the situation to the admins.
- – If a player disconnects during the game, the game has to continue and will not be paused or remade. (If the game has the Frolic eSports observer and cheats are enabled, the game can be paused during the game, but a team has to write before the countdown of the round reaches 0).
- + If a player disconnects during the game, the game has to continue and will not be remade. (If the game has the Frolic eSports observer and cheats are enabled, the game can be paused during the preparation phase, This pause will be counted towards the teams one (1) min pause allowance).
- + Map: depending on which map was selected to be played from the map pool
- – Map: depending which map has to be played from the map pool
- + Primary servers: South east Asian Servers
(If both teams formally agree to play on another server then you are allowed to do so.)
Code Of Conduct 
12.1:Breach of Etiquette
For an orderly and pleasant game it is essential that all Players have a sporting and fair attitude. The most important and most common offences are listed below. However, the Tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behaviour (e.g. harassment).
All insults occurring in connection with the Tournament will be punished. This primarily applies to insults during a match but also on the tournament website or facebook page. Insults on IRC, IM programs, E-mail or other means of communication will be punished if the evidence is clear.
Particularly severe abuse cases with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties including the exclusion or the ban of the Player from the Tournament.
Depending on the nature and severity of the insult the penalty will be assigned to the Team.
The excessive posting of senseless, harassing or offensive messages is regarded as spamming in the Tournament. Spamming on the tournament website and facebook page will be punished depending on the nature and severity.
12.1.3:Spamming In-game
Penalties will be awarded if the chat function in-game is abused towards the goal of annoying the opponent, or generally stir the flow of the play. The all chat functions are there to communicate efficiently with the opponent and the match admins.
12.2:Unsportsmanlike Behaviour
For an orderly and pleasant game it is essential that all Players have a sportive and fair attitude. Breaches of this rule will be punished. However, the Tournament administration may assign penalties for not explicitly listed types of unsportsmanlike behaviour (e.g. harassment).
12.2.1 Misconduct
The attempt to mislead admins or other Players, using false information, or in any other way deceive other Players or Teams will be punished. Common offenses are mentioned below.
- Faking Match media
- When cheating is suspected, and the match media in question has been faked, then six (6) minor penalty points will be awarded.
- Ringer/Faker
- Playing with Disallowed Player
- Misleading admins or players
12.2.2 Cheating
When cheating is uncovered, The Team will be disqualified from the current Tournament. The use of the following programs will result in a cheat ban: Multihacks, Wallhack, Aimbot, Coloured Models, NoRecoil, No-Flash and Sound changes. These are only examples, other programs or methods may be considered cheats as well like- using different players account.
12.2.3 Betting or gambling
No Players, Team managers, staff or management of attending organizations may be involved in betting or gambling, associate with betters or gamblers, or provide anyone any information that may assist betting or gambling, either directly or indirectly, for any of the Tournament matches or the Tournament in general. Any betting or gambling against your own organizations matches will lead to an immediate disqualification of the organization for all persons involved. Any other violation will be penalized at the sole discretion of the Tournament administration..
- OS:
Windows 10 64 Bit, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Win 7 64 Bit
- Processor:
Intel Core 2 DUO E8400
- Memory:
4 GB Ram 1 GB VRAM
- Graphics:
Intel HD 4000
- OS:
Windows 10 64 Bit, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Win 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
- Processor:
Intel Core i3-4150
- Memory:
- Graphics:
Geforce GT 730
- OS:
MacOS X 10.8.5
- Processor:
Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz
- Memory:
- Graphics:
NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M
- Network:
Broadband Internet connection
- Storage:
7 GB available space
- OS:
MacOS X 10.8.5 or Newer
- Processor:
Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz+
- Memory:
- Graphics:
OpenGL 4.1 - ATI Radeon HD 5670, NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M
- Network:
Broadband Internet connection
- Storage:
7 GB available space
- Additional Notes:
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