Game Updates

Free Fire India officially announces new Skyler character based on Vietnamese artist Son Tung M-TP
Free Fire India officially announces new Skyler character based on Vietnamese artist Son Tung M-TP The OB26 ‘Project Cobra’ update for Garena Free Fire is out and has introduced a bunch of major changes. This includes a new Revive system for team members, the MAG-7 shotgun and more. One of the more notable new additions...
Valorant Episode 2 Act 2 Battlepass & Prime 2.0 skin bundle
Valorant Episode 2 Act 2 Battlepass & Prime 2.0 skin bundle Valorant’s new battle pass is set to release on 2 March 2021 with a bunch of exciting sprays, skins, and buddies. Valorant has always used a battle pass system similar to other games, where one must grind through games to achieve the drop that...
Valorant newest Agent, Astra, Revealed
Valorant newest Agent, Astra, Revealed Valorant is getting a new agent for its upcoming Act, and her name is Astra. Riot Games revealed Astra’s ability kit on Sunday, and it’s full of cosmic powers, as well as a few familiar effects. Astra’s kit mostly revolves around placing Stars around the map. Stars are small throwable...
New leaked Valorant Escalation mode .
New leaked Valorant Escalation mode: The way it works, date of release and more scalation, ahead of an official announcement, fell through the cracks. Here’s what we know about the upcoming playlist.Along with Spike Rush and Deathmatch, there is the usual plant and defuse game form. According to the source there is a new game...
TOP 5 GUNS IN SEASON 1: NEW ORDER COD:M In continuation of the AR and Sniper Meta Era, we all want to know which guns made it to the top 5 this season. Without much ado, we present to you the top 5 guns in Call of Duty: Mobile Season 1: New Order. Mind you...
Welcome to Season 1 in 2021, bringing you a new original Multiplayer map, 3v3 Gunfight, 20-player Attack of the Undead, the new Blitz Battle Royale mode, and more. The future is here, and to start with a clean slate we’re refreshing our seasons with the introduction of a brand-new Season One for 2021. Call of...
Free Fire Republic Day Free Skins
Garena Free Fire is Celebrating Republic Day with its Indians Players in which players will be able to Log In from Jan 25 and Claim all these Free Legendery Gun Skins Trails like M60 Captain Bubbles , AK-47 Valentines and Character Trails for Chrono , Jai Clu , Dasha and Many More.
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